Saturday, August 2, 2008 the curtain rose

"hey v need this done..." "v need that done" and suddenly all minds change or all minds dont seem 2 want 2 go in same direction. this is how v were working 4 bout 3 weeks for the publicity of our beloved internet radio. there were so many times when i wondered Y ON EARTH DO V NEED AN INTERENET RADIO? ISNT WAT IS THERE ON FM ENUF?

i 2date dont know y on earth i chose 2 b in pubility team. prob i thot this was 1 dept were no mkuch work wud b required- only 2 b proven wrong. initially i didnt show any interest as- i didnt care if there was an internet radio around. i mean i dont l;isten 2 the fm radio- so y interente radio. however with constant fone calls and motivation frm my beloved classmate and station director, Sri ram- i finally decided 2 work.

i still remeber that meeting on that sleepy sunny afternoon after a not so yum lunch. my publicity head- himanshu went on and on and so did our beloved station director speaking of team work and sum juins bout some posters and i again decided 2 remain away frm this buzz. however, my decision didnt hold good tis time.
we began working and that was with a bang! my friends and classmates were so considerate in poking their nose in2 all our work and actually healping me in spoiling the broth. there were times when i wanted 2 scream- WILL U LET ME WORK?

i ahd 2 struggle 2 get ideas, i had 2 fite 4 space 2 get noticed among the various events happening, i had 2 yaap until my work gt an approval- i had 2 do it all just until the 11th hour when v had our mentor- deciding againt it all.

we still worked against it all, gt promos done, arranged 4 events (which were flop shows)- did alot of running around and finally came the launch day...
the curtains rose and the launch did happen... geting the event in place was a big task...

after event, that is after returning the cutlery, after verfying and settling all accounts- as i was sitting. my thots again went back- y do v need 2 an internet radio. i dont know y v need it- but i think i really needed it 2 realise my potential and 2 understand my capabilities
3 cheers 2 my Decibel...LOUD AND CLEAR

Saturday, July 26, 2008

bomb 2day and bomb everyday

it was nice boring afternoon with an equally boring lecture in reserach going. me and my friends got the last seat and i had managed to collect all my girl friends' partners pics and was sitting and commenting on them along with rani. suddenly elsa frm behind gave me a cell and it has a msg blinking on it saying of a bomb blast in madivala. the girls who were sitting on the other side was laughing it away saying it was a hoax...
it was not much later that the whole class started speaking of the blast and the news was confirmed! my mob 2 started ringing with calls frm my anxious grandparents from kerala and my mom frm home. my grandfather spoke and i was dead sure that his bp would have doubled. after rounds of assurance that i was safe, i suddenly realised that the fone lines were getting jammed. my friends around the city started ringing me but i could attend- thanx 2 the telephone lines.
vodafone was quick to come to my rescue- with pop-ups cuming on the screen which read "cant call? SmS" and just 2 realise that my msgs which otherwise was free was charged at rs.1. wat a smart strategy planned that 2 in a lapse of few seconds. my salute to the marketing ppl of vodafone.
with some quick people cuming around asking us to evacuate the bldg- me and rani ran out to get supplies of food for a couple of days fearing a possible curfew (and my past bitter experience of starving when Raj Kumar had passed away). with instructions long back which my brother (my brother is a trained Black Cat who has been in the personal security team of the former Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee- he has fought the Kargil War and been the brain behind solving many investigations happening internally in the army. right now posted in the Africa as a part of the UN's peace keeping force) had given me on how to act on such situations- rani and me decided not 2 take any mode of transport but to walk home.
with me consoling rani and she consoling me- v sumhow managed to pass the day ahead. calls kept pouring in bout our safety. it was sumwhere in that moment i realised that i saw it only 4 a day while my brother would be undergoing tis everyday. not just him all the soldiers of india. i was quick to mail him and ask him 2 cum home, only 2 receive a reply that there r so many girls like me around who need 2 live in peace and so he must be there.
my thoughts went back to my sister in law and 3 year old niece who is counting days for an unknown date when my brother will return home...

why why why????

the taste of the veg pulav and chicken curry was still lingering in my mouth as i kept cursing my faith as to y didnt i choose to bunk this "special" guest lecture for research arranged even more specially for us. i really didnt understand y do these teachers feel that v need so much when v dont want so much. this is a case of demand supply- y supply 2 us in so much bulk when v really dont want it and decrease its worth!
i had repeatedly requested to coordinator that more than a "special guest lecture" on how to present our thesis work- v want guidance on how to go bout choosing a topic for our research! sum ppl would just not get it straight in2 their heads!
it is im dying of hunger but i will be given only water to drink to satisfy.
the first day was boring and when i say boring it is borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! that guy realised our interest in this and he had made it clear to us that if v r not interested he is not particular that v sit in that session. taking my cue from that me and my friends decided not 2 attend the class frm the next day. well i felt i must do it 4 2 things- i thot i cud utilise my time with something for productive, rather than cursing that poor innocenct soul who is yaaping there 2 glory and of course i thot it is disrespect to sit in tis class and sleep in frnt of him while he glorifies the legends of research.
on the 2nd day after a moderate but appetising meal as i was busy working on the promotion the interenet radio station to be launched- i had my class rep and a chamcha of our coordinator coming running 2 us saying- "Cum to class! father wants us all there now)"...
i decide to go meet father and tell me bout the urgency of the work i was involved in as of then. but all that i can expect frm him is NO NO NO NO. he is always that way making me think whether was it is NO that he first said when he began to speak. with no other option i decided to sit in the research class but now cursing not 1 person but 2 people! and i was happy 2 c that its nt just me but the entire class was doing that! wow...
this sad saga of mine went on 4 foooooooooooooooooooooour long days and even now i dont know wat was all that he spoke of. like i said y is that im nt given what i want. wat on earth will i do a research on if i dont hav a topic????
why does tis hav to happen? i wish i could shake some life in2 those people and scream " Shut up and let me do wat i want! i know my life better than you do"
i know this is sumthing imp which was given to us- but like they say there is a right time for everthing thing. right now im hunger- give me food. after the food giv me water to wash it down

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday blues

last evening as me, elsa and rani were coming back after dinner- elsa sighed thank god its a sunday tomm. rani too seemed happy realising that tomm v can wake up without our alarms ringing 2 our ears. but with the very mention of sunday- i get jitters. it is the day when v r at home the whole day and when v r supposed to cook 3 meals. since v r at home- v will have to scrub and mob the floors until v c our faces (thanx 2 the courtsey visits that our owner aunty would pay us to check on her house) and there is a bucket full of cloths waiting 2 be washed, pressed and neatly hanged into the wardrobe
i dont know how can v enjoy a sunday sleep- coz its on sunday that v get the garbage van (v miss it almost daily since v leav early 2 collg) and frm 7.30 i wud have 2 be remain alert so that i dont miss the bangalore mahanakara palike's special announcements asking us 2 dispose our garbage.
it is sunday so v wud surely have sum guest. so by mid afternoon, the house shud b cleaned, cloths washed and put 2 dry (before the other tenants fill up the hanging line with their cloths), cook lunch and keep deciding wat wud b 4 dinner.
on sundays i really dont know how time wud pass- after a lunch and a leisure bath, i try 2 sleep( trying 2 compensate all the times i controlled myself frm sleeping in class)...but sleep just wudnt want 2 cum 2 me!
by late afternoon v all wud realise the list of assignments that shud b completed. and then begins the marathon. suddenly i look 2 my watch and realise it already 9- v run 2 the grocery 2 get sum veggies, cook and eat. after a very fast dinner- all r tired after a hectic sunday. the thot of waking up the next day 2 go 2 collg is killing us b4 v go 2 sleep!
mayb sundays r nt nice- they remind me a gruelling week 2 coming up...mondays, tuesdays, wednesdays... r better (atleast i get 2 luk forward 4 a weekend)!

Monday, July 7, 2008

my very first entry

this mite sound funny to many people- but it is true. i have started this blog just because my teacher wants us to have one and it is a part of our continuos assessment and if we dont have it done it means a direct slash in marks. i was wondering, have not our teachers loaded us with enough assignments that now we have this new ritual of maintaing a blog. this put me to thought.
maybe till graduation, many students are forced by their families into education but im sure not at the post graduation level. well even i was not forced and i had chosen a course of my choice. having to be studying in a reputed college in the city- i have to pay a whopping sum of money as fees (actually a bit more than the others only because i spend 18 years of my life outside india).
be it anything else, if a dress, food, movie or anything under the sun where i would have to shell out money- i would look for cost effectiveness and try 2 make the most of out it all. like they say paisa wasool. but why not in this case. i pay a lumpsum of rs.1 lakh a year for my case and still i dont want anything in return!
maybe education is the only service where one is ready to shell out their pockets but expect nothing from it...just the satisfaction that "i am paying so much"